Welcome to NANOVAK R&D
NANOVAK Offers global products.
NANOVAK manufactures global products to meet the needs of its customers. For this purpose, it uses various engineering techniques and scientific approaches. Generates solutions with creative approaches.
While NANOVAK meets objective criteria of quality and efficiency, it plans carefully and makes the requirements for measured growth.

NANOVAK R&D offers all kinds of technical support services to its users. One of these services is improvement. NANOVAK R&D systems, which have a modular structure, are improved to higher models or functions in parallel with current needs.
For example, increasing the number of crucibles of a thermal system, changing the control electronics or installing a sputter unit in the thermal system can be shown.
For example, increasing the number of crucibles of a thermal system, changing the control electronics or installing a sputter unit in the thermal system can be shown.

NANOVAK R&D only performs maintenance and repair applications for its own systems. NANOVAK systems are under full warranty for 2 years and maintenance and repair guarantee is provided for 10 year. In addition, if necessary, annual maintenance-repair contracts are made.

NANOVAK R&D provides training to users on vacuum science, vacuum technologies, thin film science, thin film techniques and applications. Both trainings in the form of seminars and per-device training services are carried out by our engineers and training team.
Solution Partners
Our partner, MPF is a leading producer of high quality vacuum feed throughs. Detailed information can be foundin their website, www.mpfpi.com Nanovak is always available, when assistance is needed.
Our partner, THYRACONT is a leading producer of high quality vacuum Gauges. Detailed information can be found in their website, www.thyracont.com. Nanovak is always available, when assistance is needed.
Our Brands